Princess Daisy

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Princess Daisy
Species Human
Place of Origin Sarasaland
Residence Sarasaland
Mushroom Kingdom (formerly)
Height 1.74 m (current estimate)

Princess Daisy is the princess of Sarasaland, an empire consisting of four kingdoms. She often travels to the Mushroom Kingdom to participate in sports and Mario parties, living there for a time.


Super Mario Land

Tatanga took over Sarasaland, brainwashing its inhabitants and taking Daisy captive. She was saved by Mario after he defeated the alien invader.




When Mario rescued Daisy, she kissed him. However, they never started a relationship.


Luigi is Daisy’s love interest.

Princess Peach

Peach and Daisy are best friends.


Daisy is disgusted by Waluigi. He has a crush on her but she wants nothing to do with him.

Physical Appearance

Princess Daisy's exact height is not currently known, but it's currently estimated at 1.74 m (~5'8"). She's a brunette, leaning towards strawberry blonde, with blue eyes.

Her crown is made of a 12-karat gold-copper alloy for a reddish appearance, with a recessed ridge along the midsection and four jewels encrusted within: two topazes and two sapphires. Each are shaped and polished into a domed cabochon, with the topazes decorated to resemble flowers. She also has a 24-karat gold crown which looks similar, with emeralds in place of the topazes and rubies in place of the sapphires.


Daisy is athletic and skilled in many sports, such as tennis and golf.

She is very strong, having been able to slap Bowser far into the sky.