Mushroom Kingdom

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Mushroom Kingdom
Mushroom Kingdom NSMBU.png
Full name Mushroom Kingdom
Greater location Mushroom Continent
Inhabitants Toads, Humans, Goombas, Koopas
Capital Toad Town
Nearby Locations
Koopa Kingdom
Evershade Valley Mushroom Kingdom Mushroom World
Beanbean Kingdom

Mushroom Kingdom flag
Mushroom Kingdom flag

The Mushroom Kingdom is a kingdom that is located on the Mushroom Continent and occupies a significant portion of its landmass. Its capital city is Toad Town. Princess Peach Toadstool is the reigning monarch and head of state. Toads make up the majority of the population of the kingdom, with smaller groups of Humans, Goombas and Koopas also present.

It is bordered by the Beanbean Kingdom to the south and the Koopa Kingdom to the northeast, the Mushroom World to the east and many smaller domains and undevelloped territories.


The Mushroom Kingdom's terrain is extremely varied. Its most prominent biome is a characteristic grassland punctuated by domed hills, but high alpine terrain, forests, and deserts such as Dry Dry Desert also exist within the kingdom. The kingdom has settlements of all sizes, ranging from small towns such as Koopa Village all the way to large metropolises such as Mushroom City.

Economic and political situation


The Mushroom Kingdom's main economic sectors consist of pipe construction and tourism.[1] The Mushroom Kingdom also has many shops spread throughout its many towns, villages and cities, where Power-Ups, food and clothing is sold. The Mushroom Kingdom has well-developed terraforming, construction, and scientific infrastructure, being capable of creating megastructures such as the Mario Kart Stadium and the Baseball Kingdom.


Much of the Kingdom's power comes from Power Stars, which fall in the Kingdom every 100 years during the Star Festival. Stars form a major part of the kingdom's iconography and culture. The Kingdom also has a close connection to Star Haven, with Starborn Valley and the Crystal Palace being located within the Kingdom and the royal family having ties to the Star Spirits going back generations. Sports events, such as kart racing, golf, and tennis, have become highly popular during Princess Peach's reign, drawing large crowds to see her compete with other royalty, local heroes, and companions. Mushrooms, which are the namesake of the kingdom, are also deeply ingrained in the culture: both Toads and Goombas bear a resemblance to Mushrooms, the kingdom’s population often live in mushroom-like houses and the Kingdom’s flag and emblem also depict Mushrooms.

Governmental Structure

The Mushroom Kingdom's governement type can be described as a semi-constitutional monarchy. The Kingdom's government is lead by the royal court, with the monarch, current reigning member of the human house of Toadstool, at its head. Within the royal court, there are the 7 Mushroom Retainers who discuss the kingdom's policies in meetings held in Peach's Castle. Other members of the court include the steward of the monarch, currently Toadsworth, who serves as advisor and Toadbert, who collects information for the court. Due to Peach's parents dying early in her life, there was no monarch elligable to take power during her childhood. Because of this situation, the Chancellor ruled as regent, taking over the duties the monarch would normally have untill Peach was fit to take to the throne. Currently, the chancellor doesn't hold much power in the court anymore and Peach has taken over all her duties as head of the court.

State insitutions

The Mushroom Kingdom has a variety of state institutions that are put in charge of providing various public services.

Toad Houses

Toad Houses are houses built all throughout the kingdom in various settlements. They are staffed by Toads from Peach's Castle and serve as free places for people to sleep.

Toad Town Post Office

The Toad Town Post Office serves as the Mushroom Kingdom's mail service, responsible for taking delivering letters all across the kingdom.


The Mushroom Kingdom does not have a military. The Mushroom Kingdom has historically relied on the Stars to help with threats, such as the Star Sprites to help with the Dark Star long ago. With the help of the stars, the kingdom has likely been peaceful for centuries, thus there was no need for a military force. The furthest extent of Toad Town security is the royal guard, a group of guards that guard Toad Town and Peach's Castle from external threats, but have been shown incapable against the forces of the Koopa Kingdom and various other threats, thus the kingdom has relied on Mario's help since the Koopa Kingdom's first invasion. Since that event, the Mushroom Kingdom has been defending in a protracted struggle for power with the Koopa Kingdom. The military of the Koopa Kingdom, the Koopa Troop, often occupies much of the kingdom, building fortresses, towers and castles. Princess Peach has been abducted numerous times by the king of the Koopa Kingdom, Bowser Koopa.


  1. U.D Playthroughs (November 1th, 2017). Retrieved april 28th, 2024